All Collections
Account & Datasource Set-Up
How to set up your account and connect all datasources
Step by Step Guide - Setting up your Klar AccountCollection of each step you need to complete to set up your Klar account.
How to invite Users & Restrict Access
How to add Custom Revenue
Connecting a Shopware 6 StoreHow to Connect Shopware 6?
How to configure your Marketing Channels using the Channel BuilderHow to configure your custom Marketing Channels using the Channel Builder
Channel Naming BlueprintHow a Channel Naming setup could exemplarily look like.
How the Influencer CRM worksHow the Influencer CRM works and how to configure it
Setting up Influencer Flex with Min Rev Share or Max Rev Share
Datasource Customizations
Post Purchase Survey Integration - KnoCommerce
Post Purchase Survey Integration - Fairing
Unbundling ProductsHow unbundling your product bundles works and how to check if it's set up correctly.
Currency Conversion
Connecting a Shopify StoreHow to connect your Shopify store to Klar
Connecting a Klaviyo AccountHow to connect your Klaviyo account as a datasource to your Klar account
Shopware Initial Data ImportThings to consider when connecting Shopware to Klar for the first time.
Connecting Amazon Seller & Amazon AdsHow to connect Amazon and integrate it in your setup
Connecting a Taboola AccountHow to connect your Taboola Ads account as a datasource to your Klar account
Connecting a Bing Ads AccountHow to connect your Bing Ads account as a datasource to your Klar account
Connecting an Outbrain AccountHow to connect your Outbrain Ads account as a datasource to your Klar account
Connecting a Google Analytics 4 account
Using the Custom Post Purchase Survey SheetHow to track your Non-KnoCommerce or Non-Fairing collected Post Purchase Survey responses
How to add custom Product Logistics Costs
Mapping financial status in KlarHere you will find explanations of the effects of financial status on the allocation to different revenue figures in Klar
A/B Testing Set-Up & ReportHow do I set up A/B testing with Klar and what insights can I gain from it
Google Search Console IntegrationNow you can connect Search Console with Klar to find out which keywords drove your Organic Search Conversions.
Configuring COGSHow to configure your COGS either per SKU or as a fallback percentage
Configuring Logistics CostsHow to configure your variable and fixed Logistic Costs per region
Configuring Transaction CostsHow to configure your Transaction Costs from your payment providers
Tracking Custom Marketing CostsHow to track your custom Marketing Costs like for Influencers, Affiliates or Agencies
Configuring your Targets / Business GoalsHow to set your Business Targets for your KPIs
How to add Overhead & Custom Costs
Setting up the Klar Pixel for Shopify (via Customer Events)How to set up the Klar tracking pixel by validating your domain, implementing the tracking script, and adjusting UTM parameters.
Setting up the Klar Pixel for Shopware 6How to set up the Klar tracking pixel by validating your domain, implementing the tracking script, and adjusting UTM parameters.
How to install the Klar Browser Extension (Attribution)How to setup and use the Klar Attribution Browser Extension to display your attribution data in Facebook, Google Ads and TikTok.
URL Parameters for Meta AdsAdjusting your UTM parameters for Meta Ads to achieve the best tracking results.
URL Parameters for Google AdsAdjusting your UTM parameters for Google Ads to achieve the best tracking results.
URL Parameters for KlaviyoAdjusting your UTM parameters for Klaviyo to achieve the best tracking results.
URL Parameters for TikTok AdsAdjusting your UTM parameters for TikTok Ads to achieve the best tracking results.
URL Parameters for Influencers/AffiliatesAdjusting your UTM parameters for Influencers/Affiliates to achieve the best tracking results.
URL Parameters for TaboolaAdjusting your UTM parameters for Taboola to achieve the best tracking results.
URL Parameters for Outbrain
URL Parameters for BingAdjusting your UTM parameters for Bing Ads to achieve the best tracking results.
URL Parameters for All Other ChannelsAdjusting your UTM parameters for all other channels to achieve the best tracking results.
URL Parameters for Pinterest AdsAdjusting your UTM parameters for Pinterest Ads to achieve the best tracking results.
Setting up the Legacy Klar Pixel for ShopifyHow to set up the Klar tracking pixel by validating your domain, implementing the tracking script, and adjusting UTM parameters.
Setting up the Klar Pixel for WooCommerceHow to set up the Klar tracking pixel by validating your domain, implementing the tracking script, and adjusting UTM parameters.
Setting up the Klar Pixel via Tag Management SystemHow to set up the Klar tracking pixel by validating your domain, implementing the tracking script, and adjusting UTM parameters.