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Connecting Amazon Seller & Amazon Ads

How to connect Amazon and integrate it in your setup

Valentine Strunz-Happe avatar
Written by Valentine Strunz-Happe
Updated over a week ago

Amazon Seller

Our Amazon integration is finally live and ready to pull your Amazon Seller data from all global marketplaces into Klar, while automatically converting currencies.

Connecting Amazon as a data source within a few clicks, will make you be able to:

  • Analyse your daily Amazon revenue, costs, retention & product data in all our reports

  • Add and integrate Amazon Seller data into your marketing channels and store views

  • Distinguish between FBA & non-FBA logistics costs allocation

  • Handle Amazon tax configurations in Klar

More on the process of setting it up in the video:

Amazon Ads

You can also import your Amazon Ads data into Klar and start analysing your ad spend on that platform.

How? Add it as a new data source (incl. choosing the marketplace region), connect it to the right stores and make sure to include it in your channel configuration as well.

Please be aware of the following things for Amazon data sources

  • Amazon only allows us to get 60 days of data from the past

  • If you want to import historical revenue, you have to do it through our custom revenue sheet.

  • If you want to import historical ad costs, you can do either via our custom costs sheet or custom marketing costs sheet.

  • there can be a delay of up to 14 days until we receive the current data from Amazon

  • to store the COGS for Amazon, the ASIN's from Amazon must be used in the COGS sheet instead of the product SKU's

  • when you have bundle at Amazon and want to unbundle them in KLAR contact us

  • When you´re doing FBM you need to add your transaction and logistic costs in KLAR for Amazon

  • Costs that are automatically transferred from Amazon: Fees for FBA and the logistics costs of the order.

  • If you have not saved your taxes in Amazon you have to do it via the "Amazon Tax" sheet and add it as data source (As in the video).

FBA Costs include this:

Transaction costs:


FBA Inventory Reimbursement

ItemFees - GiftwrapChargeback

ItemFees - RefundCommission

ItemFees - Commission

ItemFees - Amazon Launchpad Referral Fee on Item Price

ItemPrice - GiftWrapTax

ItemPrice - Goodwill'

LightningDealFee - LightningDealFee

Service Fee - Filings Subscription - Partner Fee

Service Fee - Amazon Technology Fee

Vine Enrollment Fee - Vine Enrollment Fee

ItemFees - ShippingHB

Logistic costs:

ItemFees - ShippingChargeback

ItemFees - FBAPerUnitFulfillmentFee

Item Fee Adjustment - FBA Pick & Pack Fee

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