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Here we will update you with all product news around Klar

Marc Garbella avatar
Written by Marc Garbella
Updated over a week ago

CW 25 - 2024 releases

Added Order Status based datasource customization for WooCommerce

Improved CLV and CLR calculation in the retention tab - net customers is now used as the divisor here instead of gross customers

CW 24 - 2024 releases

Cross platform customer mapping was extended to now also map intra day data as well

Added the Include Operator in the Datasource Customizations for the Google Ads, Meta, TikTok, Outbrain, Taboola and Bing datasources

CW 23 - 2024 releases

Align all calendar week views to start on a Monday

Update to the Logistic Costs API: In order to identify the order for which you send costs, the Order Name can now also be used next to the order ID

CW 22 - 2024 releases

Released the Post Purchase Survey sheet - we now allow to upload your collected Post Purchase Survey data from any tool you use in order to get the most out of our attribution models. You can find a detailed How-To here.

Added support for Ingrid shipping extension to Centra. We now pull the shipping types out of Ingrid if you use this extension for Centra, allowng you to properly set up your Logistics costs with the information from this tool.

CW 21 - 2024 releases

Released Custom Marketing Costs V2 sheet - this enables you to upload marketing data on an ad level, allowing you to run analyses down to the ad level even for marketing sources that we don’t connect out of the box -> check out the video here

Added an average row to the cohort analysis table, allowing you a better understanding of if the cohort you’re looking at is actually performing well

Improved the automatic hourly shop imports, this should make your intraday data even more up to date

Added Discount Code based datasource customization for Klar API shop systems

CW 20 - 2024 releases

Shopify Payment transaction costs now automatically pulled from Shopify, those will overwrite your manual set-up in the transaction cost section of the app (only for Shopify Payments)

Amazon SP Sales Channel Dimension can now be used in the channel builder

Added Payment Gateway based datasource customization for Centra - this is useful for your replacement orders etc. as those can be identified via that dimension

Logistics costs now respect the 31.5kg threshold for shipments in Germany, multiplying general and packaging costs per order accordingly (e.g. order weighs 50kg -> 2 x (General Costs + Packaging Costs))

Bug Fix: Align Taxes and Refunds between Profitability and Revenue & Profit tables.

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