Datasource Customizations
Post Purchase Survey Integration - KnoCommerce
Post Purchase Survey Integration - Fairing
Unbundling ProductsHow unbundling your product bundles works and how to check if it's set up correctly.
Currency Conversion
Connecting a Shopify StoreHow to connect your Shopify store to Klar
Connecting a Klaviyo AccountHow to connect your Klaviyo account as a datasource to your Klar account
Shopware Initial Data ImportThings to consider when connecting Shopware to Klar for the first time.
Connecting Amazon Seller & Amazon AdsHow to connect Amazon and integrate it in your setup
Connecting a Taboola AccountHow to connect your Taboola Ads account as a datasource to your Klar account
Connecting a Bing Ads AccountHow to connect your Bing Ads account as a datasource to your Klar account
Connecting an Outbrain AccountHow to connect your Outbrain Ads account as a datasource to your Klar account
Connecting a Google Analytics 4 account
Using the Custom Post Purchase Survey SheetHow to track your Non-KnoCommerce or Non-Fairing collected Post Purchase Survey responses
How to add custom Product Logistics Costs
Mapping financial status in KlarHere you will find explanations of the effects of financial status on the allocation to different revenue figures in Klar
A/B Testing Set-Up & ReportHow do I set up A/B testing with Klar and what insights can I gain from it
Google Search Console IntegrationNow you can connect Search Console with Klar to find out which keywords drove your Organic Search Conversions.