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Retention Trends

What does the Retention Trends dashboard show me and what insights can I gain from it.

Valentine Strunz-Happe avatar
Written by Valentine Strunz-Happe
Updated over a year ago


The Retention Trends dashboard allows you to visually understand the following:

  1. See how customers you acquired in the past drive revenue every month

  2. See how your CLV after you customer has been acquired and when you reach break even.

  3. What characteristics of a new customer lead to high customer lifetime value.

⚑ Since this is a retention report, the Date Range you define in this report select customers that were acquired in that period, but all activities until today are used to calculate the values. More Information here - Date Range Definition

What can I analyse:

The Retention Trends dashboard contains different charts that allow you to visually understand how your customer retention is developing over time, what is driving retention and how retention is helping you to generate top-line revenue.

The report is split up into different sections, which each section highlighting a different aspect.

Revenue Layer Cake

The revenue layer cake shows you how customers you acquired in the past contribute to the net revenue you generate every month.

Customers are grouped into cohorts based on the month they were acquired. The revenue each cohort is than layered on top of each other which gives the report its name.

Customers that were acquired before the start date of the date range are grouped into Previous Months. That way, the sum of all cohorts included matches the total revenue you generated in each month.

You can also use the metric selection drop down to change the metric the layer cake is based on. You can select between the following options:

Customer Lifetime Value Development

This chart shows you how your customer lifetime value and revenue develops in the months (x-axis) after your customers have been acquired.

What makes this report great, is that is weighing the CLV/CLR calculation based on the age your customers. So if you select the last 12 months in the date range, people that have been acquired let's say 3 months ago, are only included in the calculation of the metric until month 3 on the x-axis but excluded thereafter.

You can easily switch between both metrics using the drop-down:

Plus, the red line shows you the blended customer acquisition cost of you customers in the selected date range. So if you have CLV selected as a metric, you can quickly see when you are reaching your break-even point (CLV Payback Period).

Retention by Marketing Channels

In this chart you can analyse the Customer Lifetime Value of your customer based on the last-click channel of your customers' first order.

In the dimension selection you can decide if you want to use the Channel Name, Group or Category and in the metric selection if you want it to be based on Net Revenue (CLR) or CM2 (CLV).

With the metric display, you can decide if you want the numbers to be per Customer, which removes the bias how many customers where acquired through a channel, or Total, which includes that bias.

The metric is then broken up into different time increments based on days after the first order so that you can understand how quickly you monetize your customers.

Below the chart you can find the corresponding table, which shows the same numbers but also the percentage change.

We show up to 10 results in both table and chart and you can use the pagination below the table to move to the next page.

Results are sorted based on the selected metric highest to lowest. But you can also use the table to sort the results on a different metric. This new sorting will also reflect in the chart above.

A good other sorting to look at is based on customers so that you can see if your highest CLV customers are also being generated by your most common acquisition channel.

Retention by Product

This chart is quite similar to the one above so I will keep this short.

Instead of grouping customer by their marketing channel, we are now grouping customers based on the product they bought. Like in all other retention reports, if a customer buys multiple products in his first order, he will be in multiple groups.

You can select between different Product dimensions:

  • Product Title (default)

  • Product Type

  • Product Variant

  • Product SKU

Especially for this chart, you should use the table underneath to also sort by customers as you usually have quite a few different products your highest CLV products might actually not be your most selling product.

Retention by First Order AOV

Like the name suggestion, this chart follows the same logic as the ones above, only here we are grouping customers based on the value of their first order.

You have the same configuration options as in the Average Order Value report.

We create ten groups and with the intervals selection you can decide how large you want each interval to be.

With the AOV Calculation you can decide what revenue number you want the order value to be based on.

  1. Net (Revenue) - so excluding discounts, taxes and returns

  2. Gross (Revenue) - so including discounts, taxes and returns

  3. Gross (Revenue) excl. Shipping - so the price the customer pays before any extra shipping charges

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