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Why you should use Klar’s attribution instead of platform data

Why you should be using attribution to shift the focus from ROAS to actual business results

Valentine Strunz-Happe avatar
Written by Valentine Strunz-Happe
Updated over a week ago

This video explains why the Klar attribution is adding way more value than your platform data, enabling you to shift from short-term revenue to long-term profits.

Every way of looking at marketing attribution is flawed in some way. So why should you even care?

The thing is: eCom brands typically spend 20-30% of their top line on marketing.

So even small improvements through increased visibility have significant impact on profitability and growth.

While every attribution is flawed, some ways of looking at attribution are more flawed than others.

Especially your platform data that does not correlate with actual performance and is not consistent across platforms, so it can't be compared. This can lead to misaligned incentives.

That's where our dynamic attribution models give you a way more realistic picture of how your channels impact your long-term business performance. Providing clarity and alignment across the entire team. Why?

  • Unlike Ad Accounts, Klar Attribution assigns value to each touchpoints and has no time limitation (like the timely limited lookback window in Facebook and they not considering multiple touchpoints)

  • Ad Accounts just look at Gross Revenue while Klar can look at Net Revenue (after returns and taxes) and even profitability

To optimize for profits not just revenue and long term growth (CLV).

So Klar Attribution gives you a more holistic view, shifting the focus from short-term revenue to long-term profits

More on this in the video above.

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