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How to set the right targets for your marketing team

How to use Klar to identify what the right targets for your marketing team are

Valentine Strunz-Happe avatar
Written by Valentine Strunz-Happe
Updated over 11 months ago

As explained in this video:

Setting your targets depends on type of business you have.

  • Retention-heavy business: Customer Acquisition Cost targets

  • Once-off purchase business: Marketing Efficiency or Profit Ratio targets

Retention-heavy business

  • As retention-heavy business, you usually target based on the Customer Acquisition Costs (CACs), i.e. the investment you're making to initiate a relationship with a customer

  • Doing so, you want to optimize for profitability & liquidity (how much you want to invest upfront)

  • Looking at our cohort report shows your CACs and how many months it takes to break-even (based on CM2)

    • Look at Contribution Margin 2 (CLV)

    • If your liquidity allows to invest upfront and you don't need to be profitable in the first order, and e.g. want to be break-even after 4 months, the accumulative view in column "4" shows the target CAC you can spend

Once-off purchase business

  • As mostly once-off purchase business with less strong retention, you usually target based on your Marketing Efficiency Ratio or Marketing Profit Ratio

  • Look at P&L (past 12 months to get a complete view) to check those values to derive those values from there, taking your CM2 and CM3 margin into account (as explained in the video)

  • Be aware that the MER is similar to a global ROAS, so it does not directly translate into ad account targets!

    • Further explanation on the background and how to translate that using Klar attribution in the video

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