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Date Range & Period Comparison

How is the Date Range defined and how to apply it to my reports.

Valentine Strunz-Happe avatar
Written by Valentine Strunz-Happe
Updated over a week ago

Every single report in Klar has a Date Range selector in the top right corner which can be used to select a time period which data you want to analyse.

There is an important distinction though, based on the context of the report that changes the way this Date Range selection works.

Standard Behaviour

In most reports the Date Range selection works just you would expect. The Date Range defines the time period an activity needs to have taken place in. Only activities (like purchases or visits) that have taken place within the defined Date Range are included to calculate the values within the report.

Retention Report Behaviour

In all retention reports, the selected Date Range defines when a customer would have placed his first order in order to be included in the report. However, all activities from the beginning of the selected Date Range until today are included to calculate the values and metrics. But only for customers that have placed their first order within the selected Date Range.

All retention-focused reports are within the retention section of Klar and are thus, easily identifiable. However, should you be unsure whether or not a Date Range behaves like this for any report, just check out it Knowledge Article. If a report uses its Date Range like this, we will state so on the top of its Knowledge Article.

Repeat Repurchase Rates

When looking at the Repeat Repurchase Rate the Date Range behaves slightly different. We still take all the activity up until today, but the Date Range you select (the purple area) is not based on the Customer Acquisition Date but rather on the date of the repeat order.

So basically, we are now looking at all the repeat purchases that were made in the selected Date Range (also from customer that made their first order prior to it) and calculate how many of them made their next purchase until today.

When illustrating this on a chart the repurchase rate will reference the date when the prior purchase was made.

Example 📚

You have 1000 repeat customers that place an order in February 2021. Up until today, 374 people have placed another other. Thus, your Repeat Customer Repurchase Rate ist 37.4%. When illustrating that number on a chart, the 37.4% will be attached to the month of February 2021 as that when the prior purchase happened.

In reality it is the same as for the New Customer Repurchase Rate, as for these people their acquisition date and the order that we are referencing are the same.

But why?

Simple. It is a lot easier to understand what is happening, better to compare and more intuitive.

Retention report always focus on customers, not just activities. By always including all data until today for a customer segment, they become much better to compare.

When showing these reports to people without any knowledge of complexities involved, this is how they would expect them to behave.

Also if we would use the Standard behaviour in retention reports, it is unclear how data from customers that have had activity in the selected Date Range but placed their initial order prior to it would be treated? If they are included, results get skewed and reports become meaningless.

The easiest way to work around these different definition it so simply always select a Date Range in Retention Reports that ends today.

Date Range Comparison

To compare your data with the previous period or the same period last year, here's how it works:

  • In the “Daily Overview” or our “Flex Tables” go to the Date Range selector.​

  • Select “Set Custom Range” and tick the “Compare with” toggle.​

  • You now have 2 date ranges to select.

  • Finally, click apply and see the comparison data

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