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Order Example #2

Example Order for Klar API, partially refunded

Frank Birzle avatar
Written by Frank Birzle
Updated over a week ago
  • Customer is an existing customer via webshop

  • Customer is not subscribed to newsletter

  • No voucher was used

  • Order contained 2 x Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate Bar and 6 x Highland Spring Sparkling Water 1.5l

  • Order was paid in EUR

  • No discounts were applied

  • 7 % VAT applies to food products in Germany

  • Order was paid via Paypal (Adyen)

  • Order was shipped via DHL

  • Customer returned one product and therefore the order is partially refunded

"createdAt": 1630979772,
"currencyCodeIso3Letter": "EUR",
"customer": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"id": "423423423423423423423234",
"isNewsletterSubscriberAtTimeOfCheckout": false,
"tags": []
"financialStatus": "partially_refunded",
"id": "8756785765",
"lineItems": [
"discounts": [],
"id": "5234123423",
"productBrand": "Cadbury",
"productCogs": 1.50,
"productCollection": "Sweets",
"productGmv": 3.50,
"productId": "C2343242",
"productName": "Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate Bar",
"productShippingWeightInGrams": 134,
"productTags": ["sweets", "chocolate"],
"productVariantId": "134",
"productVariantName": "Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate Bar Multipack - 4 x 33.5g",
"quantity": 2,
"sku": "34123-243234-2342342",
"taxes": [
"descriptor": "",
"taxAmount": 0.23,
"taxRate": 0.07,
"title": "VAT 7%"
"totalAmountAfterTaxesAndDiscounts": 6.54,
"totalAmountBeforeTaxesAndDiscounts": 7.0,
"totalLogisticsCosts": 0
"discounts": [],
"id": "5234123423",
"productBrand": "Highland Spring",
"productCogs": 0.50,
"productCollection": "Drinks",
"productGmv": 1.90,
"productId": "A23423423",
"productName": "Highland Spring Sparkling Water",
"productShippingWeightInGrams": 1500,
"productTags": ["drinks", "water"],
"productVariantId": "12",
"productVariantName": "Highland Spring Sparkling Water 1.5l",
"quantity": 6,
"sku": "34123-243234-2342342",
"taxes": [
"descriptor": "",
"taxAmount": 0.12,
"taxRate": 0.07,
"title": "VAT 7%"
"totalAmountAfterTaxesAndDiscounts": 10.65,
"totalAmountBeforeTaxesAndDiscounts": 11.4,
"totalLogisticsCosts": 0

"optionalIdentifiers": {
"googleAnalyticsTransactionId": "2342342352365123",
"isFirstSubscriptionOrder": false,
"isSubscriptionOrder": false,
"landingPage": "",
"orderChannelName": "web",
"orderPlatformName": "shopify",
"orderSourceName": "",
"utmCampaign": "",
"utmContent": "",
"utmMedium": "direct",
"utmSource": "direct",
"utmTerm": ""
"orderName": "4234234234234",
"orderNumber": "4234234234234",
"paymentGatewayName": "adyen",
"paymentMethodName": "paypal",
"processedAt": 1640979772,
"refundedLineItems": [
"id": "1234124",
"lineItemId": "5234123423",
"reasonDescriptor": "Wrong Item",
"refundedQuantity": 6,
"createdAt": 1640979772,
"createdAt": 1650423242
"shipmentStatus": "delivered",
"shipping": {
"city": "München",
"countryCodeIso2Letter": "DE",
"countryCodeIso3Letter": "DEU",
"currencyCodeIso3Letter": "EUR",
"discounts": [],
"providerDescriptor": "DHL with tracking",
"provinceOrState": "Bayern",
"shippingTotalAmountAfterTaxAndDiscounts": 0,
"shippingTotalAmountBeforeTaxAndDiscounts": 2.50,
"taxes": [
"descriptor": "",
"taxAmount": 0.16,
"taxRate": 0.07,
"title": "string"
"zipOrPostalCode": "80337"
"tags": [],
"transactionCosts": 0.42,
"updatedAt": 1640979772

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